While me and most of my friends are in our 20's... I learned that these are the years of learning and evolving. Although as people we never stop learning... these years are very important. During your twenties you experience many different things... relationships, jobs, college, children, maybe even marriage. Everyone moves at their own speed, because everyone is running their own race.

First, do not become too consumed by social media. People are so wrapped around what other people are doing and trying to follow trends... they forget about their own happiness. Real Happiness. Where no one opinion of you matters, where you are free to think as yourself, where you are comfortable in your own skin. Never make someone else life, what you want to be. People become envious of others all the time in these twenty years .. they forget themselves.

Friendships... Some friendships will fade and some will last forever. Not everyone is meant to be a friend, not everyone is going to be a friend... some people are in your life just for a good time. If you have friends that want to be around you for a good time... that is not a friend. A friend is someone who is going to be around during the good and bad times. Pushing and striving you to be better and making sure you are ok during which ever situation you are going though.
Relationships... Some relationships will fail, probably plenty in your twenties... and that is ok. Not everyone is meant to be your Mr. Forever. But you are not just going to wake up and he is standing in front of you. You have to go through different things to figure out what kind of man really makes you happy. Be mindful that you can only be truly happy in a relationship with your spouse if you are happy with yourself and same vice versa. You must know who you are and how you are in order to understand someone else needs and desires. Not everyone is going to be up to your speed it takes some time to figure things and people out. You don't have to rush into something because of what you see other people doing. You may have a friend that is married before you ... and that is perfectly normal! Remember ... DIFFERENT STROKE FOR DIFFERENT FOLKS!

Jobs... This is so difficult during your twenties... these years seem the hardest to actually figure out what makes you happy career wise... maybe you never went to college, maybe you have no experience, maybe you just don't know what you want to do... those are normal feelings. The question is ... are you comfortable with being content... can you see longevity in what you are doing now? what does it mean to you to live the dream live? are you willing to achieve it? do you believe in yourself? ask yourself these questions... think about what you can do to achieve your goals, write them down, google resources, and look up training or certifications for whatever you want to do. you can do whatever your mind desire. It isn't about being rich... it is about being rich in the mind.

College... Maybe you want to get back into school... what's stopping you? financial aide? ... ask yourself every time you go to the mall... was that shopping spree worth it? or should you have put that money into investing into your education? Maybe you did go to college and can not obtain a job in which you studied in or a well paying one... have you reached out to any of your parents friends that have job connections in some sort of industry? Have you spent fewer hours on social media following fake socialites and invested time into job applications or resume building?

... Years of the TWENTIES are interesting... they are a growing time... the time you lay you foundation for your future. Make sure your foundation is SOLID! that is the only way you will be able to hold up in this world.


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