
Showing posts from 2016


While me and most of my friends are in our 20's... I learned that these are the years of learning and evolving. Although as people we never stop learning... these years are very important. During your twenties you experience many different things... relationships, jobs, college, children, maybe even marriage. Everyone moves at their own speed, because everyone is running their own race. First, do not become too consumed by social media. People are so wrapped around what other people are doing and trying to follow trends... they forget about their own happiness. Real Happiness. Where no one opinion of you matters, where you are free to think as yourself, where you are comfortable in your own skin. Never make someone else life, what you want to be. People become envious of others all the time in these twenty years .. they forget themselves. Friendships... Some friendships will fade and some will last forever. Not everyone is meant to be a friend, not everyone is going to be a fri